Why am I running for School Board?

I’ve never run for office before, nor am I an educator. So, why in the world would I run for Cincinnati School Board? I would bring to the Board a viewpoint I feel is currently underrepresented, effective problem solving. 

My career started in software development and information technology,  currently my professional role is in strategic planning and resource management. Over the years I’ve developed many valuable skills such as how to effectively listen to people, understand the issues they face and work with them to develop the best solutions possible using the available resources. Sometimes it’s building a new computer system. Sometimes it’s altering the way people do things to make them more successful. This the kind problem solving is relevant everywhere: home, work, and school. 

What I want to bring to Cincinnati Public Schools is the ability to solve problems effectively and efficiently.  Today we have so many ways to share information, to see what developments have proven successful in other districts and see how to apply them to our own schools. CPS will benefit from the lessons on reducing costs, innovative solutions and problem solving that I have acquired from my business and technology experience.  

We all realize that CPS needs to make the best use of limited resources to benefit our school system and the students they serve.  As we move forward public schools must find ways to do more with less and having someone on the school board who possesses the skills necessary to make that happen is more critical than ever. 

I believe that a school board should be made of people from a broad, diverse set of backgrounds because different perspectives and skill sets make for better solutions.  I am a candidate that can help take Cincinnati Public Schools to the next level for our children and our future.